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Product Name: Proscaline
IUPAC Name: 4-propyloxy-3,5-dimethoxyphenethylamine
Other Names: Proscaline
Molecular Formula: None
Molar Mass: 237.26 g·mol−1
Effect: stimulant, psychedelic
Purity of the substance: 99.9%
Physical properties: Crystals, Powder
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Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Chemistry of Proscaline
  3. Dosage
    • Threshold
    • Light Dose
    • Common Dose
    • Strong Dose
    • Heavy Dose
  4. Physical Effects of Proscaline
    • Spontaneous Tactile Sensations
    • Increased Heart Rate
    • Nausea
    • Pupil Dilation
  5. Visual Effects of Proscaline
    • Enhancements
    • Distortions
    • Symmetrical Texture Repetition
    • Tracers and After Images
    • Brightness Alteration and Diffraction
    • Geometry and Hallucinatory States
  6. Cognitive Effects of Proscaline
    • Conceptual Thinking
    • Cognitive Euphoria
    • Delusion and Emotion Enhancement
    • Immersion Enhancement and Increased Music Appreciation
    • Memory Suppression and Ego Death
    • Novelty Enhancement and Personal Bias Suppression
    • Thought Loops and Time Distortion
    • Unity and Interconnectedness
  7. Auditory Effects of Proscaline
    • Auditory Enhancements, Distortions, and Hallucinations
  8. Toxicity and Harm Potential
  9. Tolerance and Addiction Potential
  10. Legal Status
  11. FAQ

4-Propyloxy-3,5-dimethoxyphenethylamine (Proscaline): A Detailed Overview

Introduction to Proscaline

4-Propyloxy-3,5-dimethoxyphenethylamine, commonly known as proscaline, is a psychedelic substance belonging to the phenethylamine class. Structurally related to mescaline, it is part of a group of mescaline analogs that includes compounds like isoproscaline, escaline, and allylescaline.

Synthesis and Early Evaluation

The synthesis of proscaline was first documented by David E. Nichols in 1977 [2]. Around the same period, Alexander Shulgin conducted personal evaluations of the compound, experimenting with doses up to 60 mg. Shulgin's assessments suggested that proscaline's potency was approximately five times that of mescaline [3]. These findings were later detailed in Shulgin's influential book PiHKAL ("Phenethylamines I Have Known and Loved"), published in 1991. Proscaline subsequently appeared on the online research chemical market in the 2010s [citation needed].

Pharmacological Effects and Potential Uses

Proscaline induces subjective effects akin to mescaline, including open and closed-eye visuals, time distortion, heightened introspection, conceptual thinking, euphoria, and potential ego dissolution. However, it reportedly generates fewer visual effects, less euphoria, and reduced ego dissolution compared to mescaline. Consequently, its recreational popularity remains limited. There is speculation about its potential therapeutic application in psychedelic-assisted therapy, although empirical exploration in this context is lacking.

Pharmacology, Metabolism, and Safety Considerations

Despite its existence for several decades, very little scientific data exists regarding proscaline's pharmacological properties, metabolism, and toxicity profile. It is generally assumed to share a similar risk profile with mescaline, yet empirical confirmation through formal studies is lacking. Due to this lack of data, harm reduction practices are strongly recommended for individuals using this substance.

In summary, proscaline remains a lesser-known psychedelic compound within the phenethylamine class, with anecdotal reports suggesting similarities to mescaline in subjective effects but with distinct differences. Its potential as a therapeutic agent and its safety profile warrant further scientific investigation.

Chemistry of Proscaline

Chemical Structure

Proscaline, chemically known as 3,5-dimethoxy-4-propyloxyphenethylamine, is a substituted phenethylamine. It features a phenyl ring connected to an amino (-NH2) group through an ethyl chain. Proscaline is characterized by two methoxy (CH3O-) groups attached to carbons R3 and R5 of the phenyl ring, along with an additional propyloxy group at carbon R4. This structural configuration makes proscaline the 4-propyloxy analog of mescaline, distinguishing it from other mescaline analogs such as escaline.


Proscaline is classified as a serotonergic psychedelic, with its primary mechanism of action believed to involve partial agonism at the 5-HT2A receptor. This receptor is known to play a crucial role in mediating the effects of psychedelic substances. However, the precise interactions at the molecular level that lead to the psychedelic experience induced by proscaline are not yet fully understood.

Subjective Effects

The subjective effects of proscaline are currently under investigation and remain poorly documented in formal scientific literature. Anecdotal reports suggest that proscaline may induce experiences similar to other psychedelics, such as open and closed-eye visuals, time distortion, introspection, and altered perception of concepts and self-awareness. However, specific details regarding the intensity and nature of these effects compared to other psychedelics like mescaline are sparse.

It's important to note that subjective effects can vary widely between individuals and may not manifest consistently or predictably. Additionally, higher doses of proscaline are associated with an increased likelihood of experiencing the full range of effects, including potential adverse effects such as psychological distress or physical discomfort. As with any psychedelic substance, careful consideration of dosage and setting is crucial to mitigate risks and maximize potential benefits.

Dosage of Proscaline


The threshold dose of proscaline, the minimum amount required to start feeling effects, is typically around 10 mg.

Light Dose

A light dose of proscaline ranges from 15 mg to 30 mg. At this level, users may experience mild psychedelic effects.

Common Dose

The common dose of proscaline ranges between 30 mg and 40 mg. This dosage level is often chosen by users seeking a balanced psychedelic experience.

Strong Dose

A strong dose of proscaline ranges from 40 mg to 60 mg. At this level, users can expect pronounced psychedelic effects, including intense visuals and altered perception.

Heavy Dose

A heavy dose of proscaline begins at 60 mg and higher. This dosage level is associated with very intense psychedelic experiences and may increase the risk of adverse effects.

Physical Effects of Proscaline

Spontaneous Tactile Sensations

Users may experience spontaneous tactile sensations, often described as heightened sensitivity to touch or unusual tactile perceptions.

Increased Heart Rate

Proscaline typically increases heart rate, which is a common physiological response to psychedelic substances.


Nausea can occur, particularly during the onset of the effects of proscaline, although it tends to diminish as the experience progresses.

Pupil Dilation

Pupil dilation is a typical effect of proscaline, where the pupils become larger due to the activation of serotonin receptors.

Visual Effects of Proscaline


Proscaline enhances visual perception in various ways, including:

  • Colour Enhancement: Colors may appear more vivid and saturated.
  • Pattern Recognition Enhancement: Patterns and details in textures can become more pronounced.
  • Visual Acuity Enhancement: Visual sharpness and clarity may increase.


Visual distortions are common with proscaline use, including:

  • Drifting: Objects may appear to move, melt, breathe, or morph.
  • Colour Shifting: Colors can change or shift hues.
  • Depth Perception Distortions: Perception of distances and spatial dimensions may be altered.
  • Perspective Distortions: Views may appear skewed or altered from normal.

Symmetrical Texture Repetition

Visual patterns and textures may exhibit repeated symmetrical forms or structures.

Tracers and After Images

Proscaline can cause visual phenomena such as tracers (trailing images of moving objects) and after images (lingering images of viewed objects).

Brightness Alteration and Diffraction

Users may perceive changes in the brightness of lights and experience diffraction effects, where light appears to break into spectral colors.

Geometry and Hallucinatory States

Proscaline may induce visual geometric patterns and hallucinatory states, including internal visual hallucinations of complex shapes and scenes.

Cognitive Effects of Proscaline

Conceptual Thinking

Users may experience enhanced ability for abstract thinking and conceptual exploration.

Cognitive Euphoria

Feelings of intellectual and emotional pleasure and satisfaction can occur.

Delusion and Emotion Enhancement

Proscaline can lead to temporary beliefs that are not grounded in reality (delusions) and intensified emotional experiences.

Immersion Enhancement and Increased Music Appreciation

The sense of being deeply engaged in sensory experiences, including music, may be heightened.

Memory Suppression and Ego Death

Proscaline can impair short-term memory and facilitate experiences of ego dissolution or loss of self-identity.

Novelty Enhancement and Personal Bias Suppression

Users may perceive ordinary experiences as novel or significant, with reduced influence from personal biases.

Thought Loops and Time Distortion

Repetitive thought patterns (thought loops) and altered perception of time, such as time slowing down or speeding up, can occur.

Unity and Interconnectedness

Feelings of connection with others, nature, or the universe may be intensified.

Auditory Effects of Proscaline

Auditory Enhancements, Distortions, and Hallucinations

Proscaline can enhance perception of sounds, distort auditory stimuli, and occasionally induce auditory hallucinations.

Toxicity and Harm Potential

The toxicity and long-term health effects of recreational proscaline use have not been scientifically studied. Anecdotal reports within the psychedelic community suggest no significant negative health effects attributed to proscaline use. However, caution and harm reduction practices are strongly advised.

Tolerance and Addiction Potential

Proscaline is not considered habit-forming, and the desire to use it may decrease with repeated use. Immediate tolerance to its effects develops after ingestion, with tolerance levels returning to baseline within about 7 days in the absence of further consumption. Proscaline also exhibits cross-tolerance with other psychedelics, meaning its effects may be diminished if taken shortly after another psychedelic substance.

Legal Status

The legal status of proscaline varies by country:

  • Germany: Controlled under the NpSG (New Psychoactive Substances Act) since November 26, 2016.
  • Switzerland: Considered a controlled substance under specific regulations, legal for scientific or industrial use.
  • United Kingdom: Class A controlled substance under the Misuse of Drugs Act of 1971 (specific citations needed).
  • United States: Currently uncontrolled.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: What is proscaline?

A: Proscaline is a psychedelic substance belonging to the phenethylamine class, structurally related to mescaline. It is known for inducing altered states of consciousness and perceptual changes.

Q: How is proscaline chemically structured?

A: Proscaline features a phenethylamine backbone with two methoxy groups (CH3O-) attached to carbons R3 and R5 of the phenyl ring, along with an additional propyloxy group at carbon R4.

Q: What are the typical doses of proscaline?

A: The dosage of proscaline varies:

  • Threshold: Around 10 mg
  • Light Dose: 15 - 30 mg
  • Common Dose: 30 - 40 mg
  • Strong Dose: 40 - 60 mg
  • Heavy Dose: 60 mg and higher

Q: What are the physical effects of proscaline?

A: Physical effects may include increased heart rate, pupil dilation, spontaneous tactile sensations, and occasional nausea.

Q: What visual effects does proscaline produce?

A: Proscaline can cause enhancements in color, pattern recognition, and visual acuity. It also induces distortions such as drifting, color shifting, and symmetry in texture repetition.

Q: Is proscaline addictive?

A: Proscaline is not considered habit-forming, and its use may decrease over time due to built tolerance. It also exhibits cross-tolerance with other psychedelics.

Q: What is the legal status of proscaline?

A: The legal status of proscaline varies by country. For example, it is controlled in Germany under the NpSG but remains uncontrolled in the United States.

Q: Are there any health risks associated with proscaline use?

A: The long-term health effects of proscaline have not been extensively studied. Anecdotal reports suggest minimal acute toxicity, but caution and harm reduction practices are advised.

Q: How long does tolerance to proscaline last?

A: Tolerance to proscaline develops immediately after ingestion and typically returns to baseline within about 7 days if further consumption is avoided.

Q: Can proscaline be used therapeutically?

A: While potential therapeutic uses of proscaline have been speculated, there is a lack of scientific research to support its therapeutic efficacy.

This FAQ section aims to provide concise answers to common questions about proscaline, based on current knowledge and anecdotal reports.

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