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Product Name: AB-FUBINACA
IUPAC Name: N-[(1S)-1-(Aminocarbonyl)-2-methylpropyl]-1-[(4-fluorophenyl)methyl]-1H-indazole-3-carboxamide
Other Names: Ab-fubi
Molecular Formula: None
Molar Mass: 237.26 g·mol−1
Effect: stimulant, psychedelic
Purity of the substance: 99.9%
Physical properties: Crystals, Powder
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Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Chemistry of AB-FUBINACA
  3. Pharmacology Insights
  4. Physical Effects of AB-FUBINACA
  5. Cognitive Effects of AB-FUBINACA
  6. Toxicity and Harm Potential of AB-FUBINACA
    • Tolerance and Addiction Potential
    • Dangerous Interactions
    • Legal Status
  7. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

AB-FUBINACA: A Novel Synthetic Cannabinoid Compound

AB-FUBINACA is a synthetic cannabinoid compound that elicits cannabis-like effects upon administration. Originally developed by Pfizer in 2009 with intentions as an analgesic medication, AB-FUBINACA was not pursued for human use. However, its presence emerged in 2012 as an ingredient in synthetic cannabis blends in Japan, alongside a related compound AB-PINACA, which had not been previously reported.

Origins and Discovery

AB-FUBINACA's journey begins with its development by Pfizer in 2009, where it was initially explored as a potential analgesic medication. Despite its promising pharmacological properties, Pfizer did not advance its development for human use. However, in 2012, AB-FUBINACA surfaced unexpectedly as a constituent of synthetic cannabis blends in Japan. This discovery shed light on its potential recreational use and pharmacological effects.

Pharmacological Properties

Cannabinoids are commonly consumed through smoking or vaporization, primarily for their rapid onset of effects and quick offset. However, AB-FUBINACA distinguishes itself by its oral activity when dissolved in lipids, leading to a significantly prolonged duration of action. Although insoluble in water, it readily dissolves in ethanol and lipids, which enhances its bioavailability and pharmacokinetic profile.

Health Risks and Safety Concerns

While natural cannabis is associated with relatively low toxicity and minimal risk of fatal overdose, synthetic cannabinoids like AB-FUBINACA pose greater health risks. Chronic abuse of these substances has been linked to numerous fatalities and severe side effects. Moreover, the toxicity of synthetic cannabinoids can be substantially higher compared to natural cannabis. Consequently, prolonged usage or high doses of AB-FUBINACA are strongly discouraged due to the potential for adverse outcomes.

In conclusion, AB-FUBINACA represents a novel synthetic cannabinoid compound with distinct pharmacological properties and potential health risks. While its origins trace back to pharmaceutical research, its emergence in recreational settings underscores the importance of understanding its effects and promoting safe usage practices.

Chemistry of AB-FUBINACA

AB-FUBINACA, chemically known as N-[(1S)-1-(Aminocarbonyl)-2-methylpropyl]-1-[(4-fluorophenyl)methyl]-1H-indazole-3-carboxamide, is categorized as a synthetic indazolecarboxamide drug due to its composition featuring a substituted indazole core. Within its structure, a 4-substituted fluorophenyl group is attached to the indazole core via a methyl group at R1. At R3 of the indazole, a carboxamide group is substituted. The terminal amine of this carboxamide is linked to a substituted propyl chain, with an aminocarbonyl group at R1 and a methyl group at R2.

Pharmacology Insights

While formal studies on AB-FUBINACA's pharmacology are lacking, analysis of its structure suggests similarities to other cannabinoids, particularly Δ9-THC. It is presumed that AB-FUBINACA exhibits a comparable binding profile to cannabinoid receptors, specifically CB1 and CB2, with a slight preference for CB2. However, the exact mechanisms underlying its interactions and their role in producing the subjective effects associated with cannabinoid use remain unclear.

Subjective Effects Overview

(Disclaimer: The following effects are based on the Subjective Effect Index (SEI), derived from anecdotal user reports and personal analyses from contributors of PsychonautWiki. Caution is advised when interpreting these effects, as individual experiences may vary, and higher doses can lead to adverse outcomes including addiction, severe injury, or death.)

It is essential to recognize that the effects of AB-FUBINACA may not occur predictably or reliably, although higher doses are more likely to induce a broader spectrum of effects. Additionally, adverse effects become increasingly probable with elevated doses.

Dosage Guidelines for AB-FUBINACA

Understanding proper dosage ranges is crucial for safe and responsible use of AB-FUBINACA. Here are the dosage categories established based on reported effects:

Threshold Dosage:

  • Below 1 mg

Light Dosage:

  • 1 to 2 mg

Common Dosage:

  • 2 to 3 mg

Strong Dosage:

  • 3 to 5 mg

Heavy Dosage:

  • 5 mg and above

These dosage ranges provide a general framework for users to gauge their intake of AB-FUBINACA. It's important to approach dosage cautiously, especially considering the potential for adverse effects and variations in individual tolerance levels.

Physical Effects of AB-FUBINACA

AB-FUBINACA elicits a range of physical effects on users, which can vary in intensity depending on dosage and individual sensitivity. Understanding these effects is essential for safe consumption.


  • Generally, AB-FUBINACA induces sedation, leading to decreased energy levels and a propensity for relaxation. At higher doses, sedation may escalate to the point of inducing sleepiness. However, this sedative effect can be counteracted by engaging in physical activities.

Spontaneous Physical Sensations:

  • Users may experience a "body high" characterized by a warm, soft, and pleasurable tingling sensation enveloping the entire body shortly after ingestion. This sensation intensifies with the onset and peaks before gradually dissipating. Higher doses may lead to uncomfortably intense sensations.

Motor Control Loss:

  • AB-FUBINACA induces a partial to moderate suppression of motor control, which escalates with dosage. However, users typically retain the ability to walk and perform basic movements, although impairment may be noticeable.

Appetite Enhancement:

  • Similar to other cannabinoids, AB-FUBINACA often stimulates appetite, commonly referred to as "the munchies." Clinical studies suggest that cannabinoids increase food enjoyment and interest, possibly by activating cannabinoid receptors responsible for regulating food intake.

Changes in Felt Gravity:

  • AB-FUBINACA can induce sensations of vertigo, wherein the environment may appear to spin or oscillate. Moderate doses may trigger feelings of falling, which can be overwhelming.

Perception of Bodily Heaviness or Lightness:

  • Users may experience alterations in their perception of bodily weight, feeling either heavier or lighter than usual.


  • Dry mouth and dehydration are common side effects of AB-FUBINACA use, necessitating adequate fluid intake to prevent discomfort.


  • Some users may experience nausea, particularly at higher doses or in individuals prone to gastrointestinal discomfort.

Visual Effects of AB-FUBINACA

In addition to physical sensations, AB-FUBINACA can induce various visual effects, which contribute to its psychoactive experience.


  • Users may perceive recursive patterns, where visual elements repeat in a fractal-like manner.

Visual Haze:

  • A hazy or blurry perception of the environment may occur, altering visual clarity.


  • AB-FUBINACA can induce alterations in visual perception, leading to the perception of geometric patterns or distortions.

Cognitive Effects of AB-FUBINACA

AB-FUBINACA affects cognitive function in various ways, influencing thoughts, perceptions, and mental processes. Understanding these effects is crucial for users to navigate their experiences safely.


  • Users may experience feelings of unease or nervousness, particularly at higher doses or in individuals predisposed to anxiety.


  • High doses or chronic administration of AB-FUBINACA can induce paranoia, a state characterized by irrational fears and suspicion. This effect is common across cannabinoids.

Thought Connectivity:

  • AB-FUBINACA may enhance the interconnectedness of thoughts, leading to a heightened sense of association or linkages between ideas.

Thought Deceleration:

  • Some users may perceive a slowing down of thought processes, resulting in a relaxed or contemplative mental state.

Conceptual Thinking:

  • The drug may influence conceptual thinking, potentially fostering creativity or novel perspectives on abstract ideas.

Analysis Suppression:

  • Users may experience a diminished capacity for critical analysis or logical reasoning while under the influence of AB-FUBINACA.

Dream Suppression:

  • AB-FUBINACA can suppress dreaming during sleep, leading to a reduction in dream recall or vividness.

Immersion Enhancement:

  • Users may feel deeply engrossed or immersed in their thoughts, experiences, or activities.


  • Prolonged use of synthetic cannabinoids like AB-FUBINACA may elevate the risk of psychosis, particularly in vulnerable individuals with a history of psychotic illnesses such as schizophrenia.

Personal Meaning Enhancement:

  • The drug may enhance the subjective significance or personal relevance of thoughts, experiences, or emotions.

Increased Music Appreciation:

  • Users may experience heightened enjoyment or appreciation of music while under the influence of AB-FUBINACA.

Auditory Effects of AB-FUBINACA

In addition to cognitive effects, AB-FUBINACA can influence auditory perception, leading to alterations in the way sound is perceived.

Auditory Distortion:

  • Users may perceive distortions or changes in the quality of sounds, such as alterations in pitch or tone.

Auditory Hallucination:

  • In some cases, AB-FUBINACA may induce auditory hallucinations, where individuals perceive sounds or voices that are not present in reality.

Toxicity and Harm Potential of AB-FUBINACA

The safety profile and long-term health effects of recreational AB-FUBINACA use have not been extensively studied in scientific contexts, primarily due to its limited history of human usage. However, anecdotal reports from community members suggest that low to moderate doses of AB-FUBINACA used sparingly may not result in significant negative health effects. Nevertheless, caution is advised, as overdose can lead to physical discomfort such as heart palpitations, vertigo, and sedation, potentially inducing anxiety or sleep.

It is crucial to acknowledge that AB-FUBINACA has been associated with numerous hospitalizations and fatalities linked to its use. Therefore, prudent consumption practices and harm reduction strategies are strongly recommended to mitigate potential risks.

Individuals with pre-existing mental conditions, especially severe ones, are advised against ingesting synthetic cannabinoids like AB-FUBINACA due to their potential to exacerbate current emotional states and mental health issues. Prolonged usage of synthetic cannabinoids may also increase the risk of mental illness and psychosis, particularly in vulnerable individuals with a history of psychotic disorders.

Tolerance and Addiction Potential

Chronic use of AB-FUBINACA can lead to psychological dependence and moderate addiction potential. Users may develop tolerance, requiring progressively higher doses to achieve desired effects. Withdrawal symptoms and cravings may occur upon abrupt cessation of use.

Cross-tolerance with other cannabinoids is observed, meaning that tolerance to AB-FUBINACA may reduce the effects of other cannabinoids, and vice versa. Tolerance typically diminishes within 3 to 7 days after cessation, with a return to baseline within 1 to 2 weeks.

Dangerous Interactions

Combining AB-FUBINACA with certain substances can pose serious health risks, including increased anxiety, thought loops, and negative experiences. Users are strongly advised to research potential interactions thoroughly before combining substances.

Legal Status

Internationally, AB-FUBINACA is classified as a Schedule II controlled substance under the UN Convention on Psychotropic Substances. Its legal status varies by country:

  • China: Controlled substance since October 2015.
  • Germany: Controlled under Narcotics Act, Schedule II, since December 2014.
  • Latvia: Schedule I drug.
  • Poland: Illegal to own, possess, and sell.
  • Switzerland: Controlled substance under specific regulations.
  • United Kingdom: Class B controlled substance, illegal to possess, produce, supply, or import.
  • United States: Designated as a Schedule I controlled substance since January 2014.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


A: AB-FUBINACA is a synthetic cannabinoid compound known for producing cannabis-like effects upon administration. Originally developed by Pfizer as a potential analgesic medication, it gained popularity in recreational settings due to its psychoactive properties.

Q: What are the physical effects of AB-FUBINACA?

A: The physical effects of AB-FUBINACA include sedation, spontaneous physical sensations, motor control loss, appetite enhancement, changes in felt gravity, dehydration, dry mouth, nausea, and various visual effects.

Q: How does AB-FUBINACA affect cognitive function?

A: AB-FUBINACA influences cognitive function by inducing anxiety, paranoia, thought connectivity, thought deceleration, conceptual thinking, analysis suppression, dream suppression, immersion enhancement, personal meaning enhancement, and increased music appreciation.

Q: What are the potential risks associated with AB-FUBINACA use?

A: AB-FUBINACA use has been linked to hospitalizations and fatalities. Chronic usage may lead to psychological dependence, tolerance, and increased risk of mental illness or psychosis, particularly in individuals with pre-existing conditions.

Q: How can I minimize the risks of using AB-FUBINACA?

A: It is crucial to practice harm reduction strategies, such as starting with low doses, avoiding frequent or excessive use, and being cautious about interactions with other substances. Seeking professional help for addiction or mental health concerns is also recommended.

Q: What is the legal status of AB-FUBINACA?

A: The legal status of AB-FUBINACA varies by country. Internationally, it is classified as a Schedule II controlled substance under the UN Convention on Psychotropic Substances. Specific regulations and penalties for possession, distribution, and use depend on national laws.

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