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Buy 4-HO-EPT for sale online - USA vendor

Product Name: 4-HO-EPT
IUPAC Name: 3-[2-(Ethylpropylamino)ethyl]-4-indolol
Other Names: 4-HO-EPT, Eprocin
Molecular Formula: None
Molar Mass: 237.26 g·mol−1
Effect: stimulant, psychedelic
Purity of the substance: 99.9%
Physical properties: Crystals, Powder
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Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
    • Overview of 4-HO-EPT
    • Chemical Composition
  2. Chemistry
    • Molecular Composition and Structural Features
  3. Pharmacology
    • Interaction and Mechanism - A 5-HT2A Partial Agonist
  4. Dosage
    • Light, Common, and Strong Dosage Guidelines
  5. Subjective Effects
    • Physical Manifestations
    • Visual Transformations
    • Cognitive Perceptions
    • Auditory Perceptions
    • Transpersonal Effects
  6. Toxicity and Harm Potential
    • Limited Scientific Understanding
    • Anecdotal Insights and Health Considerations
    • Tolerance and Addiction Potential
    • Potential Interactions and Associated Risks
  7. Legal Status
    • Global Landscape of Legal Status
  8. FAQ
    • Frequently Asked Questions

Overview and Similarities to Psilocin

4-Hydroxy-N-ethyl-N-propyltryptamine, commonly known as 4-HO-EPT or Eprocin, stands out as a synthetic psychedelic substance within the tryptamine chemical class. This compound induces psychedelic effects upon administration, sharing structural similarities with psilocin (4-HO-DMT), the primary active component found in psilocybin mushrooms. The resulting effects of 4-HO-EPT are akin to those experienced with psilocin.

Limited Information on Pharmacology, Metabolism, and Toxicity

Despite its intriguing properties, 4-HO-EPT remains shrouded in mystery due to the scarcity of available data concerning its pharmacological characteristics, metabolic processes, and potential toxicity. Notably, there is no documented history of human use prior to its emergence as a research chemical available for online purchase in 2016. The absence of comprehensive research on this substance contributes to its obscurity and raises questions about its safety and long-term effects.

Recreational and Research Applications

The primary uses of 4-HO-EPT are either recreational or for research purposes. As a relatively recent addition to the world of synthetic psychedelics, its applications and implications remain largely unexplored. Users, whether seeking recreational experiences or delving into scientific investigations, navigate the uncharted territory of 4-HO-EPT, with its effects being a subject of curiosity and experimentation.

Unique Characteristics in Comparison to Other 4-Subbed Tryptamines

In contrast to more widely recognized 4-subbed tryptamines, Eprocin distinguishes itself by not predominantly manifesting visual effects. Instead, it primarily intensifies colors, imbuing them with a vivid and "neon-ish" quality. The absence of pronounced visual distortions sets 4-HO-EPT apart from its psychedelic counterparts. Additionally, users often report a robust euphoric body high, drawing comparisons to the sensations associated with opiates. The overall mindset induced by 4-HO-EPT tends to be light and positive, contributing to its appeal among those exploring novel psychedelic experiences.

In conclusion, 4-Hydroxy-N-ethyl-N-propyltryptamine emerges as a unique and relatively unexplored member of the synthetic psychedelic family. As researchers and recreational users navigate the uncharted waters of its effects, the need for comprehensive studies on its pharmacology and safety becomes increasingly apparent. The distinctive features of 4-HO-EPT, including its minimal visual effects and euphoric body high, make it a subject of intrigue and exploration within the realm of psychedelic substances.

Chemistry of 4-HO-EPT

Molecular Composition and Structural Features

4-HO-EPT, scientifically recognized as 4-hydroxy-N,N-diethyltryptamine, is a synthetic indole molecule belonging to the tryptamine class. Tryptamines, as a class, share a foundational structure characterized by a bicyclic indole heterocycle attached at R3 to an amino group through an ethyl side chain. In the case of 4-HO-EPT, the indole heterocycle is substituted at R4 with a hydroxyl functional group (OH−). Notably, it also encompasses a propyl and ethyl chain bound to the terminal amine RN of its tryptamine backbone, denoted as EPT.

Pharmacology of 4-HO-EPT

Interaction and Mechanism - A 5-HT2A Partial Agonist

The pharmacological profile of 4-HO-EPT aligns with that of many psychedelic tryptamines, with its primary mode of action thought to be as a 5-HT2A partial agonist. The psychedelic effects associated with 4-HO-EPT are believed to stem from its binding efficacy at the 5-HT2A receptors. However, the intricate details of these interactions, and how they culminate in the psychedelic experience, remain a subject of ongoing investigation and scientific curiosity. As researchers delve deeper into the pharmacological nuances of 4-HO-EPT, the complexity of its serotonergic psychedelic properties becomes increasingly apparent, highlighting the need for comprehensive studies to unravel the intricacies of this synthetic indole molecule.

Gradations of Dosage for 4-HO-EPT

When engaging with 4-HO-EPT, users must be cognizant of the dosage spectrum to ensure a safe and tailored experience. The dosage recommendations provided here serve as a general guideline, but individual responses may vary.

Light Dosage - 15 to 20 mg

At the lower end of the spectrum, a light dosage of 4-HO-EPT typically ranges between 15 to 20 mg. This dosage level is often associated with subtle effects, offering users a gentle introduction to the compound. Individuals seeking a milder experience or those exploring the substance for the first time may find the light dosage range appropriate.

Common Dosage - 30 to 40 mg

The common dosage range for 4-HO-EPT falls between 30 to 40 mg. This mid-range dosage is known to induce more pronounced effects, encompassing a balance between intensity and manageability. Users with some prior experience with psychedelics may find the common dosage suitable for a more immersive and textured experience.

Strong Dosage - 40 to 60 mg

For those seeking a more robust and intense encounter with 4-HO-EPT, the strong dosage range extends from 40 to 60 mg. This level of dosage is recommended for experienced users who are well-acquainted with the effects of psychedelic substances. It is crucial for individuals opting for a strong dosage to approach the experience with caution and in a controlled environment.

It is imperative to note that individual tolerance, body weight, and overall health can influence the effects of 4-HO-EPT. Users are strongly advised to start with lower doses, especially if unfamiliar with the compound, and gradually titrate upwards while being mindful of their own comfort and safety. Always prioritize harm reduction practices and consult reliable sources for the most accurate and up-to-date information on 4-HO-EPT dosing.

Subjective Effects of 4-HO-EPT

Anecdotal Insights and the Subjective Effect Index (SEI)

Before delving into the subjective effects of 4-HO-EPT, it is essential to acknowledge that the information presented is based on the Subjective Effect Index (SEI). The SEI draws from anecdotal user reports and personal analyses contributed by the PsychonautWiki community. As such, these insights should be approached with a healthy dose of skepticism, recognizing the inherent subjectivity of individual experiences.

Disclaimer on Predictability and Reliability

It is crucial to recognize that the subjective effects of 4-HO-EPT may not manifest predictably or reliably across all users. The variability in individual responses to the compound makes it challenging to establish a universal framework for its effects. Higher doses are generally associated with a greater likelihood of experiencing the full spectrum of effects, but the unpredictability persists.

Cautionary Note on Adverse Effects

A paramount consideration when exploring the subjective effects of 4-HO-EPT is the potential for adverse outcomes, especially at higher doses. Adverse effects may include but are not limited to addiction, severe injury, or even death. As users contemplate experimenting with higher dosages, it becomes imperative to exercise caution and prioritize safety.

While the SEI offers valuable insights, it is essential to approach the subjective effects of 4-HO-EPT with an awareness of the associated risks and uncertainties. Users are strongly encouraged to exercise responsible experimentation, start with lower doses, and remain vigilant for any adverse reactions. The recognition of individual variability and the potential for adverse effects underscores the importance of informed decision-making and harm reduction practices.

Exploring the Comprehensive Spectrum of Effects from 4-HO-EPT

Physical Manifestations

Spontaneous Physical Sensations

Users of 4-HO-EPT commonly report experiencing spontaneous physical sensations, contributing to the overall psychedelic experience.

Increased Heart Rate

One of the noticeable physical effects includes an increase in heart rate, a phenomenon often associated with the stimulation of the cardiovascular system.


Nausea is another reported physical effect, though its intensity and occurrence may vary among individuals.

Pupil Dilation

Pupil dilation, a classic indicator of psychedelic influence, is a common occurrence with 4-HO-EPT use.

Visual Transformations


  • Colour Enhancement: Users frequently note intensified and vibrant colors, enhancing the visual experience.
  • Pattern Recognition Enhancement: The ability to recognize and appreciate intricate patterns is heightened.
  • Visual Acuity Enhancement: Users may perceive an improvement in visual clarity and focus.


  • Drifting: Visual elements may appear to melt, breathe, morph, or flow.
  • Colour Shifting: The perceived color palette may undergo dynamic changes.
  • Depth Perception Distortions: Alterations in the perception of spatial depth.
  • Perspective Distortions: Changes in the way objects are perceived in relation to one another.
  • Symmetrical Texture Repetition: Patterns may exhibit repetitive symmetrical textures.
  • Tracers: Visual trails or echoes accompanying moving objects.
  • After Images: Lingering images persisting after the removal of a visual stimulus.
  • Brightness Alteration: Fluctuations in the perceived brightness of the environment.
  • Diffraction: Visual phenomena involving the bending of light waves.

Geometry and Hallucinatory States

  • Transformations: Visual elements may undergo transformative changes.
  • Internal Hallucination: Users may experience vivid hallucinations, including autonomous entities, settings, sceneries, and landscapes, as well as perspective hallucinations and scenarios.

Cognitive Perceptions

Conceptual Thinking

Users may undergo shifts in conceptual thinking, perceiving ideas and connections in novel ways.

Cognitive Euphoria

A heightened state of cognitive euphoria is commonly reported, characterized by a sense of elevated mental well-being.


Some users may experience delusions, marked by irrational beliefs or thoughts.

Emotion and Immersion Enhancement

Positive emotional states are often intensified, contributing to an enhanced sense of immersion in the psychedelic experience.

Increased Music Appreciation

Music is often experienced more profoundly, with an increased appreciation for auditory stimuli.

Memory Suppression

Users may encounter challenges with memory recall during the 4-HO-EPT experience.

Ego Death and Novelty Enhancement

Ego death, a loss of the sense of self, and novelty enhancement, where familiar concepts become new and fascinating, are reported effects.

Personal Bias Suppression and Thought Loops

The substance may lead to the suppression of personal biases and thought loops, where recurring thought patterns become temporarily entrenched.

Time Distortion

Perceptions of time may be altered, with a sense of time either slowing down or accelerating.

Auditory Perceptions

Enhancements and Distortions

Auditory enhancements and distortions, including heightened perception and alterations in the quality of sounds, contribute to the overall sensory experience.

Transpersonal Effects

Unity and Interconnectedness

Transpersonal effects, such as a sense of unity and interconnectedness with the surrounding environment, may be experienced, adding a profound dimension to the overall psychedelic journey.

It is crucial to approach these reported effects with caution and an awareness of individual variability. The Subjective Effect Index (SEI) provides a framework for understanding user experiences, but users should exercise responsible experimentation and prioritize harm reduction practices.

Toxicity and Harm Potential of 4-HO-EPT

Limited Scientific Understanding

The toxicity and long-term health effects stemming from recreational 4-HO-EPT use remain largely unstudied within a scientific context. The absence of comprehensive research is attributed to 4-HO-EPT's status as a research chemical, with minimal documented human usage history.

Anecdotal Insights and Health Considerations

Anecdotal evidence gathered from individuals within the community who have experimented with 4-HO-EPT suggests that trying the substance at low to moderate doses, used sparingly, is generally not associated with negative health effects. However, it is crucial to acknowledge the inherent uncertainties, and caution is advised as nothing can be conclusively guaranteed.

Independent research becomes imperative to ensure the safety of combining 4-HO-EPT with other substances. Harm reduction practices are strongly recommended to mitigate potential risks associated with its usage.

Tolerance and Addiction Potential

4-HO-EPT is deemed non-habit-forming, and regular consumption may even lead to a decrease in the desire to use the substance. As with many psychedelics, it is often considered self-regulating.

Tolerance to the effects of 4-HO-EPT develops rapidly after ingestion. Subsequently, it takes approximately 3 days for the tolerance to halve and 7 days to return to baseline in the absence of further consumption. Additionally, 4-HO-EPT induces cross-tolerance with all psychedelics, meaning that the effects of other psychedelics will be diminished after consuming 4-HO-EPT.

Potential Interactions and Associated Risks

Dangerous Interactions

Users are cautioned about potential dangerous interactions that can turn otherwise safe substances into life-threatening combinations. It is crucial to conduct independent research to ensure the safety of combining 4-HO-EPT with other substances.

  • Lithium: Combining lithium with psychedelics, including 4-HO-EPT, is reported to significantly increase the risk of psychosis and seizures. This combination is strictly discouraged.

  • Cannabis: The synergy between cannabis and 4-HO-EPT may lead to unexpectedly strong and unpredictable effects. Caution is advised due to an increased risk of adverse psychological reactions, such as anxiety, paranoia, panic attacks, and psychosis. Users are recommended to start with a fraction of their usual cannabis dose and take extended breaks between hits to avoid unintentional overdose.

  • Stimulants: Substances like amphetamine, cocaine, or methylphenidate, when combined with 4-HO-EPT, can heighten the risk of anxiety, paranoia, panic attacks, and thought loops. This interaction may also elevate the risk of mania and psychosis.

  • Tramadol: The combination of tramadol, known for lowering the seizure threshold, and psychedelics like 4-HO-EPT may trigger seizures in susceptible individuals.

Caution, responsible consumption, and adherence to harm reduction principles are emphasized to mitigate potential risks associated with these interactions. Always seek information from reliable sources, and the list of dangerous interactions may not be exhaustive, reinforcing the importance of thorough individual research.

Navigating the Legal Status of 4-HO-EPT

Global Landscape of Legal Status

Given its relative obscurity, the legal standing of 4-HO-EPT varies across countries, with most nations leaving it unscheduled due to limited awareness and documented use.


In Germany, 4-HO-EPT falls under the purview of the NpSG (New Psychoactive Substances Act) since July 18, 2019. Actions such as production, import with the intent to market, administration to others, and trading are punishable offenses. While possession is considered illegal, it is not subject to punishment. There is a possibility that orders of 4-HO-EPT could be deemed punishable as an incitement to market the substance.


Switzerland currently does not control 4-HO-EPT under categories A, B, C, or D, making it potentially legal within the country.

United Kingdom

In the United Kingdom, 4-HO-EPT is classified as a Class A drug. This designation results from the inclusion of 4-HO-EPT under the tryptamine catch-all clause.

United States

As of now, 4-HO-EPT remains unscheduled in the United States. However, it is essential to note that it might be considered an analogue of psilocin, a Schedule I drug under the Controlled Substances Act. Consequently, selling 4-HO-EPT for human consumption or using it for illicit non-medical or industrial purposes could lead to legal prosecution under the Federal Analogue Act.

It is crucial for individuals to stay informed about the legal status of 4-HO-EPT in their respective countries and exercise caution to avoid any legal ramifications associated with its possession, sale, or use. Legal considerations may evolve, and users are encouraged to keep abreast of any legislative changes related to this novel psychoactive substance.


Q: Is 4-HO-EPT safe for recreational use?

A: The safety of 4-HO-EPT for recreational use remains largely unstudied in a scientific context. While anecdotal evidence suggests minimal negative health effects at low to moderate doses, caution is advised, and harm reduction practices should be employed.

Q: How often can 4-HO-EPT be consumed without developing tolerance?

A: Tolerance to 4-HO-EPT develops rapidly after ingestion, with effects diminishing almost immediately. It takes approximately 3 days for tolerance to reduce by half and 7 days to return to baseline without further consumption.

Q: What are the potential interactions and associated risks of combining 4-HO-EPT with other substances?

A: Combining 4-HO-EPT with substances like lithium, cannabis, stimulants, or tramadol may increase the risk of adverse reactions, including psychosis, seizures, anxiety, paranoia, and panic attacks. Users are advised to conduct thorough research and exercise caution when combining substances.

Q: What is the legal status of 4-HO-EPT in different countries?

A: The legal status of 4-HO-EPT varies across countries. It is unscheduled in many nations due to its relative obscurity, but it may be subject to regulation in others, such as Germany and the United Kingdom. Users should stay informed about the legal status in their respective countries to avoid legal repercussions.

Q: How can users ensure the safe and responsible use of 4-HO-EPT?

A: Users can ensure safe and responsible use of 4-HO-EPT by starting with low doses, practicing harm reduction strategies, conducting independent research on potential interactions, and staying informed about legislative changes related to its legal status. Additionally, seeking guidance from experienced individuals or healthcare professionals can be beneficial.

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