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Buy 2-DPMP for sale online - USA vendor

Product Name: 2-DPMP
IUPAC Name: (RS)-2-benzhydrylpiperidine
Other Names: Desoxypipradrol, 2-diphenylmethylpiperidine
Cas Number: 519-74-4
Molecular Formula: C18H21N
Molar Mass: 251.368 g/mol
Effect: stimulant, psychedelic
Purity of the substance: 99.9%
Physical properties: Crystals, Powder
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Introduction to Desoxypipradrol

Desoxypipradrol, also known by its aliases 2-DPMP, 2-diphenylmethylpiperidine, or Ivory Wave, is a benzylpiperidine-based stimulant drug that stands at the intersection of intrigue and controversy. This comprehensive article endeavors to unravel the multifaceted nature of Desoxypipradrol.

Historical Development

Intriguingly, the roots of Desoxypipradrol trace back to the 1950s when it was conceived by Ciba, a pharmaceutical company with an innovative spirit. Ciba initiated research into this compound, exploring its potential applications in the treatment of conditions such as narcolepsy and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). However, fate took a different turn when Ciba introduced a related drug - methylphenidate - developed by the same company. Methylphenidate was deemed superior for the treatment of ADHD due to its shorter duration of action and more predictable pharmacokinetics. Consequently, the development of Desoxypipradrol was halted.

Nevertheless, the story didn't end there. While Desoxypipradrol's journey as a medication faced an abrupt stop, a hydroxylated derivative known as pipradrol emerged as a clinical drug. Pipradrol found its niche as a treatment for depression, narcolepsy, and cognitive enhancement in organic dementia, offering a different path for pharmaceutical exploration.

The Chemistry of Desoxypipradrol

Desoxypipradrol, at its core, belongs to the substituted benzylpiperidine class of synthetic stimulants. It boasts a chemical structure that encompasses a substituted phenethylamine skeleton with an additional phenyl ring bound to Rβ. What sets it apart is the incorporation of the terminal amino group into a piperidine ring. This structural uniqueness results in a highly lipophilic molecule, endowing it with an exceptionally long-lasting duration of action - an extraordinary characteristic rarely observed in the realm of stimulant drugs. The exception to this rarity is the compound MDPV, which shares this extended duration.

Unraveling Desoxypipradrol's Pharmacology

Pharmacologically, Desoxypipradrol primarily serves as a norepinephrine-dopamine reuptake inhibitor (NDRI), joining the ranks of stimulants with this mechanism of action. However, what makes Desoxypipradrol particularly noteworthy is its potency. This compound exudes an aura of extreme potency, an unusually long duration of action, and a dose-response curve that can be unpredictably capricious. These peculiarities are thought to be attributed to its exceptionally high lipophilicity and an elongated elimination half-life, which, among other factors, elevate the relative risk of inducing states of stimulant psychosis when used imprudently. It's worth noting that humans display an unusually low threshold for the onset of stimulant psychosis when exposed to Desoxypipradrol.

Subjective Effects and Potential Risks

Desoxypipradrol, as an entity, is characterized by its remarkable potency, protracted effects, and a penchant for unpredictable responses to varying doses. This peculiarity gives rise to a set of potential risks that users must approach with the utmost caution. While it offers a subtle and "clean" form of stimulation, there's an underlying tendency reported by users to engage in compulsive redosing, leading to the consumption of potentially dangerous amounts. The consequences of such behavior can be dire, culminating in overdose, hospitalization, and, in extreme cases, even fatalities. As a result, anyone considering experimentation with this compound is strongly advised to adhere to robust harm-reduction practices, including avoiding redosing and implementing volumetric dosing techniques.

Examining Toxicity and Harm Potential

It's crucial to acknowledge the potential toxicity and harm associated with the use of Desoxypipradrol. The effects it produces are by no means guaranteed to unfold in a predictable or reliable manner. While higher doses are more likely to invoke a full spectrum of effects, they also raise the specter of adverse consequences, which can encompass addiction, severe physical harm, or even death.

Physical Effects

  • Stimulation: Desoxypipradrol provides a dynamic and stimulating experience that, although subtler than amphetamines or methamphetamines, is more potent than modafinil and caffeine. At lower to moderate doses, it encourages productivity, while at higher doses, it may promote physical activities such as dancing, socializing, running, or cleaning. Notably, the style of stimulation attributed to Desoxypipradrol is not forceful but rather clean and lucid, often accompanied by manic undertones.
  • Spontaneous Physical Sensations
  • Increased Heart Rate: Preliminary reports indicate that the effects of Desoxypipradrol on heart rate and blood pressure are unusually weak.
  • Dehydration
  • Appetite Suppression
  • Increased Perspiration: Compared to classical stimulants, Desoxypipradrol seems to involve less peripheral nervous system stimulation, contributing to a "cleaner" and more lucid experience with fewer bodily effects like sweating or cramping.
  • Teeth Grinding: In contrast to amphetamines and other stimulants, this component is largely absent, attributed to the subtleness of Desoxypipradrol's style of stimulation.
  • Headaches
  • Restless Leg Syndrome
  • Vasoconstriction: Minimal compared to many other stimulants and stimulating drugs.
  • Stamina Enhancement
  • Bodily Control Enhancement

Visual Effects

  • Acuity Enhancement: This effect is unpredictable and typically observed at moderate to high doses, although it can occasionally occur at lower doses. It tends to be subtler than visual acuity enhancement associated with substances like MDMA or methamphetamine.
  • Brightness Alteration: Similar to acuity enhancement, this effect is unpredictable and typically observed at moderate to high doses, with occasional occurrences at lower doses. When it does occur, it tends to be subtler than visual brightness alterations induced by substances like MDMA or methamphetamine.
  • Drifting: Drifting is also unpredictable and mainly observed at moderate to high doses, but it can occasionally occur at lower doses. When it does occur, it tends to be subtler than vision-altering effects induced by substances like MDMA or methamphetamine.

Cognitive Effects

  • Euphoria: In comparison to other stimulants like amphetamine, Desoxypipradrol induces a subtler and less forceful sense of euphoria.
  • Focus Enhancement: This effect is most prominent at low to moderate doses, as higher doses may impair concentration.
  • Wakefulness
  • Memory Enhancement
  • Novelty Enhancement
  • Thought Acceleration
  • Thought Organization
  • Thought Connectivity
  • Analysis Enhancement
  • Motivation Enhancement
  • Immersion Enhancement
  • Stamina Enhancement
  • Ego Inflation
  • Mania
  • Emotion Suppression: This effect is typically observed at medium to high doses and is similar to the emotion suppression associated with the use of methylphenidate.
  • Information Processing Suppression
  • Language Suppression
  • Anxiety Suppression: Occasional and primarily seen at lower doses, diminishing as the dose increases.
  • Thought Deceleration: This effect is typically associated with higher doses but can occur at lower doses in an unpredictable manner. At lower to medium doses, thought acceleration is more common.
  • Thought Disorganization: This effect is typically associated with higher doses but can occur at lower doses unpredictably. At lower to medium doses, thought organization is more common.
  • Compulsive Redosing
  • Delusion
  • Paranoia
  • Delirium
  • Depersonalization
  • Derealization
  • Psychosis

After Effects

The aftermath of a Desoxypipradrol experience is marked by a series of negative and discomforting effects. Often referred to as a "comedown," this phase occurs due to neurotransmitter depletion. The effects encountered during this phase typically include anxiety, cognitive fatigue, depression, irritability, motivation suppression, thought deceleration, and heightened wakefulness.

In conclusion, Desoxypipradrol remains an enigmatic stimulant, shrouded in complexity and intrigue. Users who dare to tread this path must exercise extreme caution and adopt robust harm-reduction practices to mitigate potential harm.

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