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Product Name: EPT
IUPAC Name: 3-[2-(Ethyl(propyl)amino)ethyl]-1H-indole
Other Names: EPT
Molecular Formula: none
Molar Mass: 237.26 g·mol−1
Effect: stimulant, psychedelic
Purity of the substance: 99.9%
Physical properties: Crystals, Powder
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Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Chemical Composition of EPT
  3. Origins and Emergence
  4. Dosage Guidelines
    • Light
    • Common
    • Strong
    • Heavy
  5. Pharmacology
  6. Subjective Effects
  7. Physical Effects
  8. Cognitive Effects
  9. Toxicity and Harm Potential
    • Unknown Toxic Dose
    • Harm Reduction Practices
    • Dependency, Abuse Potential, and Tolerance
    • Legal Status Across Borders
  10. Conclusion

Unraveling the Enigma of EPT

N-Ethyl-N-propyltryptamine, commonly known as Ethylpropyltryptamine or EPT, stands as a mysterious figure within the realm of novel psychedelic substances belonging to the tryptamine class. Within the broader spectrum of psychedelic compounds, EPT finds its place among the unsubstituted tryptamines, bearing chemical kinship with DMT.

Origins and Emergence

The precise synthesis date of EPT remains elusive, shrouded in the clandestine world of psychedelic exploration. However, it made its debut in the online research chemical market in 2016, capturing the attention of enthusiasts and researchers alike. What sets EPT apart is its lack of documentation within the scientific literature, positioning it as an enigmatic creation of clandestine drug design.

Distinctive Characteristics and Effects

Initial user reports shed light on the peculiar nature of EPT's effects. Unlike its highly potent counterparts such as DMT, DET, and DPT, EPT exhibits milder and less distinctive psychedelic properties. Among these, its similarities with DPT are highlighted, although EPT is noted for being less potent and inducing a less immersive mental state.

Uncharted Territory: Pharmacology and Toxicology

A significant gap exists in our understanding of EPT's pharmacological properties, metabolism, and toxicity. The lack of available data underscores the importance of exercising caution and implementing harm reduction practices for those venturing into the use of this substance. The absence of comprehensive information emphasizes the need for responsible exploration and careful consideration of potential risks associated with EPT.

In conclusion, N-Ethyl-N-propyltryptamine emerges as a unique and puzzling member of the tryptamine family. Its clandestine origins, distinct effects, and the dearth of scientific data contribute to its mystique, urging users to approach with caution and prioritize harm reduction practices in any experimental endeavors involving this novel psychedelic compound.

Decoding N-Ethyl-N-Propyltryptamine (EPT): An Insight into its Chemical Composition

Tryptamines and the Unique Structure of EPT

EPT, also known as N-ethyl-N-propyltryptamine, stands as a synthetic indole molecule within the tryptamine chemical class. Tryptamines, characterized by a core structure featuring a bicyclic indole heterocycle linked to an amino group via an ethyl side chain at R3, share commonalities in their molecular design. In the case of EPT, a distinctive feature lies in the attachment of one propyl and one ethyl group to the terminal amine RN of its tryptamine backbone. EPT serves as both the N-ethyl analog of DPT and the N-propyl analog of DET. Additionally, it presents an analogy to 4-HO-EPT and 4-AcO-EPT.

The Chemical Identity of EPT

EPT is classified as an unsubstituted tryptamine, demonstrating a chemical relation to DMT. Despite its intriguing composition, the original synthesis date of EPT remains shrouded in mystery. It entered the online research chemical market in 2016, offering a unique addition to the repertoire of psychedelic compounds. Notably, EPT diverges from the conventional route taken by most research chemicals, lacking any documentation in the scientific literature. This absence suggests that EPT is a product born out of clandestine drug design, contributing to its elusive nature. Interestingly, EPT is commonly available in its ethylpropyltryptamine fumarate form, deviating from the more traditional HCl form observed in the sale of other tryptamines.

Unveiling the Unknowns: Metabolism and Toxicity

Regrettably, the knowledge surrounding EPT is characterized by significant gaps, particularly in terms of metabolism and potential toxicity. The lack of comprehensive data emphasizes the need for cautious exploration and responsible usage practices when dealing with EPT. Users are urged to exercise heightened awareness due to the scarcity of information on these crucial aspects, underscoring the importance of harm reduction practices in any endeavors involving this synthetic indole molecule.

Navigating N-Ethyl-N-Propyltryptamine (EPT) Dosages: A Comprehensive Guide

Precise Dosage Ranges for EPT Exploration

Understanding the appropriate dosage is crucial when venturing into the realm of N-Ethyl-N-Propyltryptamine (EPT). Here, we present a detailed guide delineating the dosage ranges for different experiential intensities.

Light Exploration (20 - 40 mg)

For those seeking a gentle introduction to EPT, the light dosage range of 20 to 40 mg is recommended. This tier is characterized by subtle effects, allowing users to familiarize themselves with the compound's nuances without delving into more intense experiences.

Common Terrain (40 - 80 mg)

Stepping into the common dosage range of 40 to 80 mg, users can anticipate a moderate level of effects. This range offers a balanced experience, providing a more pronounced exploration of EPT's psychedelic properties without reaching overwhelming intensity.

Strong Encounters (80 - 110 mg)

Adventurous users looking for a more profound psychedelic experience may consider the strong dosage range of 80 to 110 mg. Within this tier, the effects of EPT become notably potent, potentially leading to more immersive and introspective encounters.

Heavy Expedition (110 mg +)

Reserved for seasoned explorers seeking an intense and deeply immersive journey, the heavy dosage range exceeds 110 mg. It's crucial to approach this territory with caution, as the effects can be overwhelming. Users should be well-prepared for a potentially profound and extended experience.

In conclusion, a nuanced understanding of EPT dosages is essential for a safe and tailored exploration. Users are encouraged to start with lower doses, gradually progressing as they become familiar with the compound's effects. Always prioritize responsible usage and adhere to harm reduction practices to ensure a positive and secure EPT experience.

The Pharmacology of N-Ethyl-N-Propyltryptamine (EPT)

Serotonin Receptor Affinity: A Key Player in EPT's Psychedelic Effects

Exploring the pharmacological landscape of N-Ethyl-N-Propyltryptamine (EPT) unveils its role as a psychedelic tryptamine primarily interacting with the 5-HT2A receptors.

5-HT2A Partial Agonism

Much like its psychedelic tryptamine counterparts, EPT is theorized to primarily act as a 5-HT2A partial agonist. The psychedelic effects attributed to EPT are believed to stem from its binding efficacy at these specific serotonin receptors. The intricate dance between EPT and the 5-HT2A receptors forms the foundation for the psychedelic experiences reported by users.

Structural Similarities and Serotonergic Affinity

The underlying reason for the affinity of most serotonergic psychedelic tryptamines, including EPT, for certain serotonin sites lies in their structural similarities to serotonin itself. These compounds, resembling serotonin in their molecular structure, establish a strong connection with specific 5-HT sites, contributing to the psychedelic effects observed.

Consensus on 5-HT2A Receptor Agonism

A prevailing consensus within the scientific community is that serotonergic psychedelics, exemplified by EPT, induce their effects by acting as robust partial agonists at the 5-HT2A receptors. This understanding forms a cornerstone in deciphering the mechanism through which EPT elicits its psychedelic responses.

In summary, the pharmacological profile of N-Ethyl-N-Propyltryptamine revolves around its role as a 5-HT2A partial agonist. The structural similarities to serotonin and the consensus on the 5-HT2A receptor agonism collectively contribute to our comprehension of how EPT produces its distinct psychedelic effects.

Subjective Effects of N-Ethyl-N-Propyltryptamine (EPT)

Anecdotal Insights and the Subjective Effect Index (SEI)

Delving into the realm of N-Ethyl-N-Propyltryptamine (EPT), it is essential to acknowledge that the subjective effects outlined below are derived from the Subjective Effect Index (SEI). The SEI is a compilation of anecdotal user reports and personal analyses by contributors to PsychonautWiki. However, it is crucial to approach these insights with a discerning mindset, recognizing the inherent limitations of anecdotal evidence.

Disclaimer on Predictability

Foremost, it is vital to recognize that the listed effects may not unfold in a predictable or reliable manner. While higher doses are more likely to induce the full spectrum of effects, the individual variability in responses cannot be overstated. Each user's experience with EPT is unique, contributing to the complexity of its subjective effects.

Cautionary Notes on Higher Doses

With higher doses, the likelihood of experiencing the complete array of effects increases. However, caution is warranted as adverse effects become more probable. These adverse outcomes may include but are not limited to addiction, severe injury, or even death. The potential risks associated with higher doses underscore the importance of responsible experimentation and adherence to harm reduction practices.

Limited Research and Sample Size

It is crucial to acknowledge that the effects of EPT have not been as extensively researched as many other tryptamines. The subjective effects outlined below are drawn from a relatively limited sample size, emphasizing the need for a cautious interpretation of the available data.

In conclusion, while the SEI provides valuable anecdotal insights into the subjective effects of EPT, users should approach these findings with skepticism. Individual responses vary, and the limited research on EPT necessitates a vigilant and responsible approach to experimentation, prioritizing safety and harm reduction at all times.

Physical Effects of N-Ethyl-N-Propyltryptamine (EPT)

An Intricate Exploration of the Physical Realm

Embarking on an examination of the physical effects induced by N-Ethyl-N-Propyltryptamine (EPT) provides a nuanced understanding of its impact on the human body.

Stimulation and Increased Libido

EPT introduces a stimulative aspect, invigorating the user's sensory perception. Additionally, an increase in libido has been reported, suggesting a heightened state of arousal during the experience.

Motor Control Loss and Nausea

Users may encounter a loss of motor control as a notable physical effect, contributing to a sense of disorientation. Nausea is another potential outcome, emphasizing the importance of mindful experimentation and preparation.

Pupil Dilation and Perception of Bodily Lightness

EPT's influence extends to ocular changes, with pupil dilation being a common occurrence. Simultaneously, users may perceive a sensation of bodily lightness, enhancing the overall immersive nature of the experience.

Visual Symphony: Enhancements, Distortions, and Geometry

The visual effects induced by EPT unfold as a captivating symphony, encompassing enhancements, distortions, and intricate geometric patterns.

Enhancements - Colour and Pattern Recognition

EPT is known to heighten the perception of colors, saturating the visual field with vibrant hues. Additionally, users often report an enhancement in pattern recognition, with intricate designs becoming more pronounced.

Distortions - Diffraction, Drifting, and Object Alteration

Distinct distortions manifest as part of the visual experience. Diffraction, where light undergoes bending and spreading, contributes to a mesmerizing play of colors. Drifting, characterized by visual elements melting, breathing, morphing, and flowing, adds a dynamic aspect to the experience. Object alteration is also observed, with everyday items taking on novel and transformative appearances.

Geometry and Hallucinatory States

EPT induces profound geometric patterns, contributing to an intricate visual tapestry. Users may enter hallucinatory states, where reality takes on a surreal and dream-like quality, providing a profound departure from ordinary perception.

Internal Hallucination

The journey with EPT extends beyond external visual stimuli, delving into internal hallucinations. Users may experience vivid and immersive visions within their mind's eye, adding another layer of complexity to the psychedelic encounter.

In summary, the physical effects of N-Ethyl-N-Propyltryptamine (EPT) paint a multifaceted portrait, encompassing stimulation, ocular changes, and a visually captivating experience. This exploration highlights the importance of understanding and navigating the physical aspects of EPT, contributing to a more informed and mindful psychedelic journey.

Cognitive Effects of N-Ethyl-N-Propyltryptamine (EPT)

A Dive into the Mind: Cognitive Dynamics of EPT

Delving into the cognitive effects of N-Ethyl-N-Propyltryptamine (EPT) offers a profound understanding of its impact on mental processes and perceptions.

Memory Suppression and Personal Bias Suppression

EPT introduces cognitive shifts, including memory suppression, where the recall of past events becomes hazy or elusive. Additionally, users may experience personal bias suppression, providing a potential avenue for more objective and unbiased thinking during the psychedelic state.

Thought Acceleration and Time Distortion

Cognitive processes undergo acceleration with EPT, leading to a stream of rapid thoughts and ideas. Time distortion is another facet, where users may perceive the passage of time differently, experiencing either a sense of time dilation or compression.

Auditory Alchemy: Effects on Hearing

The auditory effects induced by EPT contribute to the overall cognitive experience, adding unique dimensions to perception.

Auditory Distortion and Enhancement

EPT may lead to auditory distortion, altering the way sounds are perceived. This can range from changes in pitch and tone to more pronounced transformations. Simultaneously, users often report auditory enhancement, where sounds become richer, more nuanced, and sometimes more immersive.

In conclusion, the cognitive effects of N-Ethyl-N-Propyltryptamine (EPT) weave a tapestry of alterations in memory, thinking patterns, and auditory perception. This nuanced exploration underscores the complexity of the psychedelic experience, urging users to approach EPT with a thoughtful and informed mindset, recognizing and embracing the cognitive shifts that accompany this unique compound.

Toxicity, Harm Potential, and Legal Status of N-Ethyl-N-Propyltryptamine (EPT)

Uncharted Territory: Toxicity and Health Implications

The realm of recreational N-Ethyl-N-Propyltryptamine (EPT) use remains largely unexplored in scientific contexts, with no comprehensive studies delving into its toxicity and long-term health effects. The lack of substantial research is attributed to EPT's status as a research chemical, marked by a limited history of human usage.

Unknown Toxic Dose and Limited Human Usage

The exact toxic dose of EPT remains unknown, emphasizing the need for caution and responsible use. Anecdotal evidence suggests that trying EPT at low to moderate doses, used sparingly, does not appear to result in negative health effects. However, the absence of scientific scrutiny underscores the unpredictability, and independent research becomes crucial to ensuring the safety of consuming EPT alone or in combination with other substances.

Harm Reduction Practices

Given the dearth of empirical data, it is strongly recommended that harm reduction practices be implemented when engaging with EPT. Users are encouraged to approach experimentation with a mindset focused on safety, meticulous dosage consideration, and vigilance regarding potential interactions with other substances.

Dependency, Abuse Potential, and Tolerance

Anecdotal reports indicate that EPT holds low abuse potential and does not foster dependence, aligning it with other unsubstituted tryptamines such as DMT, DET, and MET. However, it's crucial to note that immediate tolerance to EPT's effects may develop after ingestion. Tolerance reduction typically takes around 3 days, while a complete return to baseline requires approximately 7 days, in the absence of further consumption. Cross-tolerance with other psychedelics further adds complexity to the understanding of EPT's tolerance profile.

Legal Status Across Borders

The legal status of EPT varies across countries, contributing to the complexity of its regulation.


Controlled under the NpSG (New Psychoactive Substances Act) as of July 18, 2019, EPT faces legal restrictions in Germany. Production, import with the intent to market, administration to others, and trading are punishable. Possession is illegal but not penalized.


In Switzerland, EPT is not controlled under certain categories, possibly rendering it legal. The legal landscape in this country adds nuance to the global regulatory framework.

United Kingdom

EPT is classified as a Class A controlled substance in the United Kingdom, falling under the tryptamine catch-all clause, indicating strict legal restrictions.

United States

Unscheduled in the United States, EPT might be considered an analogue of DMT. While not explicitly controlled, the Federal Analogue Act could be invoked for the prosecution of crimes related to its sale for human consumption or illicit use.


EPT is categorized as a Schedule 1 controlled substance in Italy, signaling stringent legal control.

In conclusion, navigating the world of N-Ethyl-N-Propyltryptamine (EPT) involves considerations of its potential toxicity, harm potential, and legal status across different jurisdictions. The lack of comprehensive research underlines the importance of informed and responsible use, with users urged to prioritize safety and adhere to the legal frameworks in their respective regions.


Is EPT a well-studied substance?

No, EPT is a research chemical with limited scientific literature, making it an obscure and less-studied psychedelic compound.

When did EPT first appear in the online market?

EPT first became available for sale on the online research chemical market in 2016.

What are the recommended dosages for EPT?

Dosages vary based on the desired intensity:

  • Light: 20 - 40 mg
  • Common: 40 - 80 mg
  • Strong: 80 - 110 mg
  • Heavy: 110 mg +

How does EPT affect serotonin receptors?

EPT is believed to act primarily as a 5-HT2A partial agonist, contributing to its psychedelic effects.

Are there documented health effects of EPT use?

Limited anecdotal evidence suggests no negative health effects at low to moderate doses, but caution and harm reduction are strongly advised.

Does EPT have abuse potential?

Anecdotal reports suggest that EPT has low abuse potential and does not induce dependence.

What is the legal status of EPT in different countries?

Legal status varies globally. For example, EPT is controlled in Germany under the NpSG, while in the United States, it remains unscheduled but may be considered an analogue of DMT.

How does EPT affect tolerance and cross-tolerance with other psychedelics?

Tolerance to EPT's effects develops almost immediately, with reduction taking about 3 days and a complete return to baseline within 7 days. EPT produces cross-tolerance with all psychedelics.

Is EPT regulated in Italy?

Yes, EPT is categorized as a Schedule 1 controlled substance in Italy.

Should users be concerned about the unknown toxic dose of EPT?

Caution is advised due to the unknown toxic dose of EPT. Users are encouraged to engage in independent research and adhere to harm reduction practices to ensure safety.

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