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Buy 5-HO-DMT for sale online - USA vendor

Product Name: 5-HO-DMT
IUPAC Name: 3-[2-(Dimethylamino)ethyl]-1H-indol-5-ol
Other Names: N,N-dimethylserotonin
Molecular Formula: None
Molar Mass: 237.26 g·mol−1
Effect: stimulant, psychedelic
Purity of the substance: 99.9%
Physical properties: Crystals, Powder
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Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Chemistry
  3. Pharmacology
  4. Dosage
  5. Physical Effects
  6. Visual Effects
  7. Cognitive Effects
  8. Natural Sources
    • Colorado River Toad
  9. Toxicity and Harm Potential
  10. Tolerance and Addiction Potential
  11. Dangerous Interactions
  12. Legal Status

Introduction to Bufotenin

Bufotenin, also known as 5-HO-DMT, N,N-dimethylserotonin, or simply bufotenine, is a naturally occurring substituted tryptamine alkaloid and a potent serotonergic psychedelic drug. This compound is structurally related to tryptamine and serotonin, making it a significant player in the realm of psychoactive substances.

Sources of Bufotenin

Bufotenin can be found in a diverse range of flora and fauna, with notable sources including various species of psychoactive toads, most prominently the Colorado River toad. These amphibians have garnered attention for their secretion of bufotenin, which contributes to their psychoactive properties.

Pharmacological Effects

While bufotenin shares similarities with other psychedelics, such as LSD, its overall effects are often described as less pleasant. Users commonly report intense hallucinations, alterations in perception, and shifts in consciousness. However, these experiences may also be accompanied by feelings of discomfort or unease, distinguishing bufotenin from other substances in the psychedelic class.

Bufotenin: Chemistry and Pharmacology

Chemistry of Bufotenin

Bufotenin, also known as 5-HO-DMT or 5-hydroxy-N,N-dimethyltryptamine, belongs to the tryptamine class of alkaloids. Tryptamines share a common structure characterized by a bicyclic indole heterocycle linked to a terminal amine group via an ethyl side chain. Bufotenin specifically features a hydroxy (OH) functional group at the R5 position of its indole heterocycle and two methyl groups (CH3-) attached to the terminal amine RN of its tryptamine backbone (DMT).

Pharmacology of Bufotenin

Bufotenin exhibits complex pharmacological properties that contribute to its psychedelic effects. In rats, subcutaneous administration of bufotenin results in distribution primarily to the lungs, heart, blood, and to a lesser extent, the brain (including regions like the hypothalamus, brain stem, striatum, and cerebral cortex), and liver. Peak concentrations are reached within one hour, with near-complete elimination within 8 hours. In humans, intravenous administration leads to the excretion of approximately 70% of the injected drug as 5-HIAA, a serotonin metabolite, while about 4% is eliminated unchanged in urine. Orally administered bufotenin undergoes significant first-pass metabolism by the enzyme monoamine oxidase.

The psychedelic effects of bufotenin are primarily attributed to its interaction with serotonin receptors, particularly the 5-HT2A receptor, where it acts as a partial agonist with high binding affinity. However, the exact mechanisms underlying these interactions and their contribution to the psychedelic experience remain incompletely understood.

In addition to its activity at serotonin receptors, bufotenin may also inhibit the reuptake of neurotransmitters such as serotonin, noradrenaline, and dopamine, potentially contributing to its effects. However, it's crucial to note that combining bufotenin with MAOIs, RIMAs, SSRIs, stimulants, or other substances that affect monoamine neurotransmitters can lead to dangerous toxicity.

Subjective Effects

Disclaimer: The following subjective effects are based on anecdotal user reports and should be viewed with skepticism. The effects may not occur predictably or reliably, and higher doses increase the likelihood of experiencing the full spectrum of effects, including adverse reactions such as addiction, severe injury, or death.

Dosage of Bufotenin


  • Minimum effective dose: 2 mg


  • Range: 5 - 20 mg


  • Range: 20 - 40 mg


  • Range: 40 - 60 mg


  • 60 mg and above

Bufotenin, like many psychedelic substances, exhibits a dose-dependent response, meaning its effects can vary significantly based on the amount consumed. Understanding the dosage ranges is crucial for achieving desired experiences and minimizing potential risks associated with its use. It's important to note that individual sensitivity and tolerance levels may also influence the effects experienced at each dosage level.

Physical Effects of Bufotenin

Bufotenin induces a range of physical effects that can vary in intensity depending on dosage. These effects, which can be both pleasurable and dysphoric, contribute significantly to the overall psychedelic experience.

Tactile Enhancement

  • Bufotenin amplifies tactile sensations to an overwhelming degree, often inducing a sensation akin to a full-body orgasm. This intense tactile enhancement may be accompanied by a perceived difficulty in maintaining normal breathing patterns, although it is not indicative of respiratory depression and is generally considered safe.

Bodily Control Enhancement

  • Users may experience heightened bodily control, leading to a sense of increased awareness and coordination.

Bodily Pressures

  • Sensations of bodily pressures may arise, altering the perception of one's physical state.

Changes in Gravity

  • Bufotenin can induce perceptions of changes in gravity, resulting in feelings of weightlessness or heaviness.


  • Some users report feelings of intense euphoria, enhancing the overall psychedelic experience.

Motor Control Loss

  • Loss of motor control may occur, affecting coordination and movement.


  • Nausea is a common side effect of bufotenin ingestion, particularly at higher doses.

Perception of Bodily Heaviness

  • Users may perceive their body as heavier than usual, contributing to altered bodily sensations.

Pupil Dilation

  • Bufotenin can cause pupil dilation, a physiological response commonly observed with psychedelic substances.

Skin Flushing

  • Skin flushing, or reddening of the skin, may occur as a result of increased blood flow.

Temperature Regulation Suppression

  • Bufotenin may suppress the body's ability to regulate temperature, leading to sensations of warmth or coldness.


  • Constriction of blood vessels, known as vasoconstriction, may occur, potentially affecting blood flow throughout the body.

Visual Effects of Bufotenin

Bufotenin also induces a range of visual effects, although they are often less pronounced compared to its physical and cognitive effects.

Visual Acuity Enhancement and Suppression

  • Bufotenin can both enhance and suppress visual acuity, with the outcome seemingly random and influenced by the setting.

Drifting (Morphing, Breathing, Melting, Flowing)

  • Visuals may include drifting patterns reminiscent of DMT, characterized by slow and smooth motion with intricate details.

Colour Enhancement and Shifting

  • Colors may appear more vibrant and dynamic, with shifting hues and saturation.

Environmental Orbism

  • Users may perceive environmental distortions or orb-like visual phenomena.


  • Visual recursion, where patterns repeat within themselves, may occur, contributing to a sense of visual complexity.


  • Visual geometry, while present, is typically less pronounced compared to other psychedelics like DMT. It often manifests as intricate, abstract patterns with bright colors and smooth motion. These geometric patterns may be more prevalent in dark or distraction-free environments.

Cognitive Effects of Bufotenin


  • Bufotenin may induce temporary memory loss or amnesia, particularly at higher doses.

Analysis Enhancement

  • Users may experience heightened analytical abilities, leading to enhanced introspection and self-reflection.


  • Some individuals may experience feelings of apprehension, worry, or unease while under the influence of bufotenin.

Conceptual Thinking

  • Bufotenin has the potential to alter thought patterns and foster abstract or unconventional ideas and concepts.


  • In rare cases, bufotenin may induce transient delusional thinking, characterized by irrational beliefs or perceptions.

Autonomous Voice Communication

  • Users may report the perception of communicating with inner voices or entities, which can occur autonomously.

Emotion Enhancement

  • Bufotenin can amplify emotions, leading to heightened feelings of joy, love, or fear.

Increased Music Appreciation

  • Users may experience a deeper emotional connection to music and heightened appreciation for auditory stimuli.

Memory Suppression

  • Bufotenin may suppress or distort memories, leading to difficulty recalling past experiences.

Ego Death

  • Some users may report a dissolution of the self or ego, leading to profound feelings of interconnectedness with the universe.


  • Bufotenin can enhance mindfulness, leading to a heightened awareness of the present moment and surroundings.

Thought Connectivity

  • Users may experience enhanced connectivity between thoughts, leading to a more fluid and interconnected stream of consciousness.

Time Distortion

  • Bufotenin has the potential to alter the perception of time, leading to feelings of time dilation or compression.

Unity and Interconnectedness

  • Users may report a profound sense of unity and interconnectedness with the universe or others.


  • Bufotenin can promote wakefulness and alertness, potentially leading to difficulty in falling asleep during the experience.

Auditory Effects


  • Bufotenin may enhance the perception of auditory stimuli, leading to heightened sensitivity to sounds and music.


  • Users may experience distortions in auditory perception, such as changes in pitch, tone, or volume.


  • In some cases, bufotenin may induce auditory hallucinations, including the perception of voices or sounds that are not present in reality.

Natural Sources of Bufotenin

Colorado River Toad

The Colorado River toad (Incilius alvarius), also known as the Sonoran Desert toad, is a psychoactive amphibian native to northern Mexico and the southwestern United States. This toad possesses glands in its skin that produce a potent venom containing 5-MeO-DMT and bufotenin.

The parotoid glands of the Colorado River toad serve as its primary defense mechanism, producing a poison potent enough to potentially kill a grown dog. These same glands also contain the psychoactive compounds 5-MeO-DMT and bufotenin. The venom can be safely collected by gently stroking the toad near these glands, causing the venom to be released onto a smooth, nonporous surface. Upon drying, the venom takes on a rubbery texture and can be harvested for its psychoactive components.

The bufotenin content of the Colorado River toad's venom can reach up to 15%, along with other compounds such as N-methyl-5-methoxytryptamine and 5-MeO-NMT.

Toxicity and Harm Potential

The toxicity and long-term health effects of recreational bufotenin use have not been extensively studied in scientific contexts, and the exact toxic dose remains unknown. However, anecdotal evidence from individuals in the psychonaut community suggests that low to moderate doses of bufotenin used sparingly do not typically result in negative health effects. Nonetheless, caution and harm reduction practices are strongly recommended when using this substance.

Tolerance and Addiction Potential

Bufotenin is not considered habit-forming, and the desire to use it may decrease with repeated use. Tolerance to its effects builds rapidly after ingestion, typically taking about an hour to diminish by half and two hours to return to baseline levels. Bufotenin does not exhibit cross-tolerance with other psychedelics, meaning its use will not reduce the effects of other substances in the psychedelic class.

Dangerous Interactions

Bufotenin can interact dangerously with certain substances, potentially leading to severe health complications or even death. Some of these interactions include:

  • Lithium: Combining bufotenin with lithium, commonly prescribed for bipolar disorder, may significantly increase the risk of psychosis and seizures.
  • Cannabis: Cannabis may have an unpredictable synergy with bufotenin, potentially increasing the risk of adverse psychological reactions such as anxiety, paranoia, and panic attacks.
  • Stimulants: Combining bufotenin with stimulants like amphetamine or cocaine can elevate the risk of anxiety, paranoia, and psychosis.
  • Tramadol: Tramadol, known to lower the seizure threshold, may interact with bufotenin to trigger seizures in susceptible individuals.

Deaths from bufotenin ingestion are rare but can occur due to excessive doses or when combined with certain drugs such as MAOIs, RIMAs, stimulants, or substances that affect neurotransmitter reuptake or release.

Legal Status

The legal status of bufotenin varies by country:

    • Germany: Controlled under the NpSG (New Psychoactive Substances Act) as of July 18, 2019.
    • Switzerland: Not controlled under specific regulations, potentially considered legal.
    • United Kingdom: Classified as a Class A drug.
    • United States: Listed as a Schedule I substance, indicating it has a high potential for abuse and no accepted medical use.


Bufotenin stands out as a naturally occurring psychedelic alkaloid with potent serotonergic properties. Its presence in various plants and animals, particularly in psychoactive toads, underscores its significance in the study of hallucinogenic substances. Despite its notable effects on perception and consciousness, the overall experience with bufotenin is often described as less enjoyable compared to other psychedelics. Understanding its pharmacological profile and effects contributes to our broader understanding of the diverse array of psychoactive compounds found in nature.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. What is bufotenin?

Bufotenin, also known as 5-HO-DMT or bufotenine, is a naturally occurring psychedelic alkaloid found in various plants and animals, including certain species of toads.

2. What are the primary sources of bufotenin?

One of the main natural sources of bufotenin is the Colorado River toad (Incilius alvarius), which secretes bufotenin in its venom.

3. What are the physical effects of bufotenin?

Physical effects of bufotenin include tactile enhancement, bodily control enhancement, changes in gravity perception, euphoria, motor control loss, nausea, pupil dilation, and temperature regulation suppression, among others.

4. What are the visual effects of bufotenin?

Visual effects of bufotenin include visual acuity enhancement or suppression, drifting (morphing, breathing, melting), color enhancement and shifting, environmental orbism, recursion, and geometry.

5. What cognitive effects does bufotenin produce?

Cognitive effects of bufotenin may include amnesia, analysis enhancement, anxiety, conceptual thinking, delusion, autonomous voice communication, emotion enhancement, increased music appreciation, memory suppression, ego death, mindfulness, thought connectivity, time distortion, unity, and interconnectedness, and wakefulness.

6. Is bufotenin toxic or addictive?

Bufotenin does not appear to be habit-forming, and the desire to use it may decrease with repeated use. However, its toxicity and long-term health effects are not well-studied, and caution should be exercised when using this substance.

7. What are some dangerous interactions with bufotenin?

Bufotenin can interact dangerously with substances such as lithium, cannabis, stimulants, and tramadol, potentially leading to adverse psychological reactions, seizures, or other serious health complications.

8. What is the legal status of bufotenin?

The legal status of bufotenin varies by country. For example, it is classified as a Schedule I substance in the United States and as a Class A drug in the United Kingdom. It may also be controlled under specific regulations in other countries.

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