A First Experience with AL-LAD: A Detailed Report

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Subject Background
  • Trip Report
    • T+ 0:00: Ingestion
    • T+ 0:15: Initial Effects
    • T+ 1:00: No Effects Yet
    • T+ 1:40: Onset of Effects
    • T+ 2:10: Full Visuals and Anxiety
    • T+ 2:25: Peak Experience
    • T+ 3:30: Intense Visuals and Conversations
    • T+ 5:00: Coming Down
    • T+ 7:00: Visual Effects Fade
    • T+ 12:00: The Aftereffects
  • Conclusion


In this detailed account, a 27-year-old male recounts his first experience with the psychedelic compound AL-LAD. Known as a gentler, more visual alternative to LSD, AL-LAD is often sought by those new to psychedelics or those looking for a less intense experience. This report provides a thorough breakdown of the experience, from ingestion to the lingering effects that last long after the peak.

Subject Background

  • Age: 27
  • Sex: Male
  • Height: 72 inches / 182 cm
  • Weight: 135 lbs / 61 kg
  • Date of Experience: August 2021
  • Location: Pacific Northwest, USA

This subject had prior experience with marijuana but was relatively new to psychedelics. AL-LAD was chosen for its reputation as a milder psychedelic, with a particular focus on visual effects. The subject was anxious about the experience, but he had prepared by researching the substance extensively and arranged for an experienced trip sitter to help guide him through the process. The setting was the subject's house and backyard, ensuring a controlled and familiar environment.

Trip Report

T+ 0:00: Ingestion

The experience began with the ingestion of one 150 mcg AL-LAD tablet, which was placed under the tongue sublingually. At this point, the subject was calm but still feeling nervous, as this was his first time trying psychedelics beyond marijuana.

T+ 0:15: Initial Effects

After 15 minutes, the subject swallowed the tablet, having let it dissolve under his tongue. While there were no immediate effects, the anxiety continued to build as the subject awaited the onset of the experience.

T+ 1:00: No Effects Yet

One hour into the experience, the subject still felt completely sober, with no signs of the effects of AL-LAD becoming apparent. His initial nervousness persisted as he waited for something to happen.

T+ 1:40: Onset of Effects

At this point, the effects began to surface. The subject described a slight feeling of warmth and lightness in his arms. This was followed by a more rapid progression in the onset of the trip. The body load became intensely uncomfortable, creating a sensation of overstimulation. The trip sitter suggested going for a walk, which the subject agreed to in an attempt to manage the rising discomfort. As they walked down the street, the subject described feeling like he was floating, a surreal sensation that deepened as time distorted. The subject started to lose track of spatial distances and felt the passage of time slowing to a crawl.

T+ 2:10: Full Visuals and Anxiety

As the visuals began to develop, the subject described them as a "rainbow oil slick" appearing over his entire field of vision. Objects in the environment, such as his phone, began to warp and shift, making it impossible for him to use them. Anxiety grew to a near panic, but the trip sitter suggested moving to the backyard to help calm the subject. The subject removed his watch at this point to avoid further distractions, making time estimates less accurate from here on out.

T+ 2:25: Peak Experience

At the peak of the trip, the subject was led into the garden by his trip sitter. He described feeling both physically disoriented and overwhelmed by his own body. This led to feelings of body dysmorphia, where the subject perceived his depth perception as being completely distorted. A sense of anxiety lingered, but the situation soon began to improve. The trip sitter led the subject through a guided meditation, instructing him to imagine dissolving the barrier between himself and the earth. This led to a profound experience of oneness with nature. The visuals became increasingly beautiful, and the subject transitioned from feeling anxious to feeling a sense of peace and harmony with the world around him.

T+ 3:30: Intense Visuals and Conversations

For the next hour, the subject spent time lying in the backyard and engaging in conversation with his trip sitter. As they discussed various topics, the subject experienced intense closed-eye visuals that were directly tied to the conversation. For instance, when they discussed the "stoned ape hypothesis," the subject vividly saw images of early humans picking mushrooms in the wild. The fractal fern patterns remained constant, while the open-eyed visuals became more vibrant and intense, with flashes of blue and green that seemed to fill the entire field of vision. The closed-eye visuals reached a "level 3" intensity at times, contributing to the overwhelmingly rich visual experience.

T+ 5:00: Coming Down

Around five hours after ingestion, the subject began to come down from the peak of the experience. The visuals persisted, but they were no longer overwhelming. The subject felt less anxious, and his headspace became clearer. He opened his eyes and noted the presence of afterimages whenever his trip sitter moved. The rainbow spiral geometry was still visible, but it no longer dominated his perception. One of the most memorable moments involved observing his dog running through the backyard, where the subject saw bright red sparks trailing behind her. Another startling moment occurred when a real hummingbird hovered in front of the subject, causing him to experience a vivid hallucination where the blood vessels in his eyes appeared filled with tiny hummingbirds, radiating out into 3D space in all directions.

T+ 7:00: Visual Effects Fade

At this point, the subject's visuals had mostly dissipated, although the body load remained present. The body dysmorphia lessened, but the sensation of having too much energy in the body was still apparent. The subject felt somewhat anxious and vulnerable, but the overall mood was much more stable and grounded.

T+ 12:00: The Aftereffects

By the 12-hour mark, the subject had mostly returned to sobriety mentally. However, the body load remained prominent, making it difficult for the subject to sleep. The lingering physical effects made it feel as though he had consumed an excess of caffeine, leaving him restless until the effects fully wore off.


In retrospect, the subject describes the experience as "very cool" and overall positive, despite the difficult beginning. The first hour of the trip was filled with anxiety and discomfort, but this was attributed more to the subject's inexperience and nervousness than the substance itself. The trip was extremely visual, which is a hallmark of AL-LAD, and while some users report a clear-headed experience, the subject did not experience this clarity. Instead, the subject was in an altered state but remained aware enough to distinguish between reality and hallucination.

The body load was a definite downside to the experience, as it lingered for several hours after the trip's peak. The subject suggests that, in future experiences, it might be best to take AL-LAD in the morning to avoid the extended body discomfort. Despite this, the trip provided stunning visuals and a deep connection with nature, marking a memorable and enlightening first psychedelic experience.