1P-LSD Experience Report: A Journey Through Tolerance, Dosing, and Perception

Table of Contents

  1. Background
    1.1. Introduction to Psychedelic Use
    1.2. First Encounters with LSD
    1.3. Initial Exploration with San Pedro
    1.4. The Decision to Try 1P-LSD

  2. Dose and Effects of Previous Experiences
    2.1. LSD Experience Breakdown
    2.2. San Pedro Cactus Trials

  3. 1P-LSD Experience: The Turning Point
    3.1. Preparation and Expectations
    3.2. Initial Experience with 2 Tabs (200ug)
    3.3. Tolerance Considerations

  4. Conclusions and Lessons Learned
    4.1. Reevaluating Psychedelic Tolerance
    4.2. Reflections on the 1P-LSD Experience

1. Background

1.1 Introduction to Psychedelic Use

I have had a series of strange and inconsistent experiences with psychedelics, which have shaped my understanding of my personal tolerance and the nuances of dosage. While the details of these early experiences aren't absolutely necessary to understand the core of this report, providing them offers essential context for why my later 1P-LSD trip was so remarkable and peculiar.

I began experimenting with psychedelics roughly one year before the 1P-LSD experience, and my journey to understanding my own psychedelic responses began with LSD.

1.2 First Encounters with LSD

My first four attempts with LSD, which I obtained from local distributors (all tested and confirmed to be LSD), were largely uneventful, leaving me with a sense of confusion rather than the expected sense of transcendence or altered consciousness. Despite the fact that I had taken single tabs each time, I did not experience the typical effects that others described, such as vivid visuals or cognitive shifts. Instead, I mostly experienced a pronounced body load, mild confusion, and distractibility.

The first four LSD experiences included:

  • 1st experience (1 tab): I felt some body load, mild stimulation, and heightened anxiety, but there were no visual or cognitive effects.
  • 2nd experience (1 tab): The same body load and anxiety as the first experience, but worse.
  • 3rd experience (1 tab): Again, a similar experience to the first, but weaker.
  • 4th experience (2 tabs): I did experience mild visuals, including light patterning and drifting on surfaces, but still no significant headspace shift.

1.3 Initial Exploration with San Pedro

After these frustrating experiences with LSD, I turned to San Pedro cactus as an alternative psychedelic. I started with a relatively low dose, consuming one foot of the cactus, and was surprised to find that it produced a slightly stronger effect than the two tabs of LSD I had previously tried. While the experience did include mild patterning and some slight cognitive changes, it was far from overwhelming. Cannabis consumption at the tail end of the experience enhanced the visuals somewhat, but the effect was still quite mild.

The second trial with San Pedro involved consuming two feet of the cactus, and this experience was about as strong as the two tabs of LSD. While it did produce stronger visuals, it was still fairly mild compared to the typical reports I had heard about psychedelic experiences.

1.4 The Decision to Try 1P-LSD

After my experiences with San Pedro, I concluded that my tolerance to psychedelics was likely higher than average. My theory was that the LSD from local dealers might have been low quality or poorly dosed. To test this, I decided to order some 1P-LSD, which was known to be more reliably dosed by reputable vendors. I started with two tabs (100ug each), totaling 200ug, and was finally able to experience a genuine psychedelic trip, albeit a mild one.

2. Dose and Effects of Previous Experiences

2.1 LSD Experience Breakdown

Reflecting on the dosing of my prior LSD experiences, I realized that my understanding of psychedelic dosage and effects had been skewed by my high natural tolerance. Here is a breakdown of the doses I had consumed prior to trying 1P-LSD:

  • 1st Experience (LSD - 1 tab): Estimated at ~50ug to 70ug

    • Effects: Body load, stimulation, mild anxiety, no significant visuals or cognitive change.
  • 2nd Experience (LSD - 1 tab): Estimated at ~60ug to 80ug

    • Effects: Similar to the first, but with more pronounced body load and anxiety.
  • 3rd Experience (LSD - 1 tab): Estimated at ~40ug to 50ug

    • Effects: Weaker version of the first two experiences, still no major shift in headspace.
  • 4th Experience (LSD - 2 tabs): Estimated at 80ug to 100ug total

    • Effects: Mild patterning on surfaces, slight cognitive effects, some visual enhancement after consuming cannabis.

2.2 San Pedro Cactus Trials

I also experimented with San Pedro cactus on two occasions. The effects were milder than I had hoped but still more pronounced than my LSD experiences up until that point.

  • 5th Experience (San Pedro - 1 foot)
    • Effects: Stronger than LSD with pronounced patterning, slight cognitive shifts, some visual enhancement after cannabis use.
  • 6th Experience (San Pedro - 2 feet)
    • Effects: Weaker than the first San Pedro experience, similar to my LSD experiences but with a different character.

3. 1P-LSD Experience: The Turning Point

3.1 Preparation and Expectations

After what felt like a string of underwhelming trips, I had high hopes for 1P-LSD, given its more reliable dosing. I began with two tabs (200ug) and was eager to see if the results would be closer to what I expected from a psychedelic experience. I had become convinced that my high tolerance was preventing me from experiencing the depth and novelty that others frequently described.

3.2 Initial Experience with 2 Tabs (200ug)

The 1P-LSD experience I had at this dose was mild but significant compared to my previous LSD attempts. The trip was lucid, and I was able to fully engage with the visuals and music, which felt like a breakthrough. It was much stronger than any of my previous LSD experiences in terms of visual effects, though the cognitive shift was not as profound as I had hoped. There were moments of intense humor, laughter, and irony, but the headspace remained controlled, almost sober.

Overall, it felt like a true psychedelic trip, though still not a fully immersive or overwhelming experience. This confirmed that my previous LSD trips had likely been hindered by dosing inconsistencies or poor-quality tabs.

3.3 Tolerance Considerations

Based on this 1P-LSD experience, I concluded that I had a significant natural tolerance to psychedelics. However, I was surprised to find that a dose increase of 50% (from 200ug to 300ug) did not result in the kind of profound shifts others experienced at lower doses. It led me to believe that I had more to learn about my personal dose-response curve.

4. Conclusions and Lessons Learned

4.1 Reevaluating Psychedelic Tolerance

The 1P-LSD experience, though not overwhelming, was a turning point for me in understanding my own psychedelic tolerance. It led me to reevaluate my past experiences and prompted me to reconsider the impact of dosing and quality in my previous trips.

4.2 Reflections on the 1P-LSD Experience

Looking back on this experience, I realize how much I had underestimated the role that proper dosing and quality play in shaping the psychedelic experience. My journey with 1P-LSD helped me to better understand how my tolerance operates and how different substances may interact with it. Though the trip was not as intense as I had anticipated, it was an important step in exploring and understanding my relationship with psychedelics.